Actually I suppose only be attend a program to visit the MACC and the Maktab PDRM in KL..I feel that I was sleep, watch their presentation and eat in the whole trip..haha..There's some cute little tea break prepared by PDRM.. Fruit-tart..

Look nice right.. and it taste NICE also..haha..By the way, I still get some new knowledge that I never know before within the visitation la..^^
And I decided to stay in KL to find my "bro" - MK Lee..And he was success to let me gain 2kg in only the 24 hours in KL..How "good" was him right..... =="
In the 24 hours, I also get new friends over there which are his house-mates..Shirleen, Michael, Carven and his gf..Nice to meet you all..^^
At the 1st night, we went to Mid Vally to have our "ikan bakar" which recommend by them..It was nice..but..just a bit too spicy for me la..xD
Then I have my CREAM PUFF after the dinner..It's just so nice~!!! love it..
After that we go window shopping for a while cause the time is already late..Then we continue our 2nd round at Riverside Grill & Bar near The Mines area..

Riverside Grill & Bar
I got bit get shock when I reach there..Because quite many bars over there are selling Shisha..Of course it's legally la..And this is the 1st time I saw Shisha in the real which I only saw it in movie before..haha..

This is what they called "Shisha" -- 水烟
And then..It's time for order..The menu just like normal bar..And Shirleen, MK and I decided to have Hoegaarden on that night..This is the 1st time I try for Hoegaarden too.. xD It taste quite good..but i still prefer for Heineken.. =P

Well..we just sitting there, chit chatting and look at the river beside us..
There's many fish in the river and swam too..hehe

Swam Swam
I just get know that swam will never be alone..They will be paired wherever they go..And actually swam is a vegetarian..Their main meal are not fish but grass..@@
After a while..My stomach get naughty again..It wan some more things to fill it..And I order a Salmon Spaghetti as my supper which about 12am something.. =="

Salmon Spaghetti
Even it may let me gain in my weight..But I feel no regret for ordering it..cause it just taste so nice..haha..Feel so hungry when I look back on my photo..
We stay there until 1am something then go back to their hostel..
My 1st day done..
I love the Ikan Bakar and the cream puff too ^^
回复删除cream puff is just so nice~!!!!! haha